who I am
I have been dealing extensively with the risk assessment and CE marking process professionally since 2009. In this context, I advised various companies in the field of plant construction and supported them in carrying out the risk assessment and CE certification. Another essential part of my field of activity is plant planning in the field of energy production. The focus here is also on the CE conformity procedure, risk assessment and SIL classification to achieve functional safety.
The aim was to develop a comprehensive description of the steps involved in the CE marking certification process. The relevant topics should be presented in a brief and practice-oriented manner.
A company works only as well as its employees. With the manual "CE marking in plant construction" I would like to raise your employees or you yourself to a higher level of competence.
HOW do I want to achieve this?
With extensive and complex topics, it is very important to work out the essentials and to make the underlying logic clear. The regulations to be applied in plant construction are numerous and often not logically comprehensible. For this reason, great importance is attached to a comprehensible structure of the learning content in our reference works.
WHAT do I offer you?
With the practical manual and the other reference works, you will receive a guide to the subject-specific regulations and laws in plant and mechanical engineering. In it you will learn all the essentials about the CE marking, risk assessment, SIL classification, operational safety regulation, risk assessment and the application of the Machinery and Pressure Equipment Directive. The reference works are aimed at manufacturers, planners or operators of a system.